Making My Art

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

- By Aldous Huxley, writer, philosopher

Bev Sings

Several years ago, I began to sing for Seniors at their communities in our area. My sister joined me, and we both came to share our music, cello and voice, respectively. We prepared music from multiple genre’s hoping to “strike a chord” with as many people as possible.  It was amazing how someone with Alzheimer’s disease who could not remember a person’s name or face, was able to sing along with me remembering all the words to Amazing Grace. Not only that but they could accompany me with a beautiful harmony that they had learned earlier in their life. 

At that time, for name recognition, I developed a business card titled, “Bev Sings.” This allowed me to connect with multiple groups for multiple occasions.

My greatest learning during this time in my singing life was how important it is to make your art with others. This next section of the website is the results of many connections and collaborations with people and organizations where we made our art together. Check out the following pages:

March of 2020 began a period in time when all artists, especially singers were unable to make their art in the same way that they had done before. The pandemic hit, greatly changing the music world. Musicians, especially singers had to be creative in the world of Zoom meetings and recorded music. We mourned the loss of so many people, connections, and many other things during that time. We especially grieved what we lost in the arts. 

However, we are now emerging from that time, stronger together.

Bev’s Quilting & Knitting

Bev is relaxing by Playing Classical Music – Jesu Joy, by Bach

You Are My Hiding Place – Bev Reil Voice and Piano

“If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.”

- By Shane Koyczan, poet


“Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake.  Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can.  You will get an enormous reward.  You will have created something.”

- Kurt Vonnegut, writer.