History and Honors

“When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times and to the latest.”

- By Henry David Thoreau, writer, philosopher

This next section of the website features some of the unique and special singing/speaking opportunities that I have been privileged to have.

  1. Bellevue College

  2. Carnegie Hall

  3. Community College Administrators scholarship to complete my M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with an emphasis in Higher Education, 1998 (Also see Writings Here)

  4. Mont Saint-Michel

  5. Presented Non-Fiction work at the international organization of the League for Innovations for Technical and Community colleges in San Francisco, CA and in Tampa Bay, FL in Spring and Fall of 2004, respectively.

  6. Vashon Island Chorale - Mozart’s Requiem (Also see Lahaina Tribute and Collaborations)

  7. Video Clip of Pandemic Music Revision

  8. Wheaton Alumni Choral Workshop (See on Collaborations Page)

  9. Worship Team at Church (See on Collaborations Page)

  10. Westminster Chapel Choir-Great works

I was privileged to take three years of Music Theory and Music Composition at a local college from 2012-2015. The last quarter of theory was the most memorable for me as we studied found sound and indeterminate music. (link) We wrote blues and jazz music. (Pdf of A Blues About Bleu). In addition to theory and composition, all the Music Majors participated in Acoustic Concert Performances. (Link to Mon Histoire)

Main Cathedral at Mont Saint-Michele

Auxiliary Cathedral at Mont Saint-Michele

In 2015 my husband and I had the privilege of touring ‘Paris and the Heart of France‘ on a Rick Steve’s tour! We were able to stay at the monastery actually on the Mont and attend the early morning mass in the main cathedral pictured here.

After mass we were touring an auxiliary cathedral (also pictured here) when our tour guide, knowing that I loved the sound of the human voice in a cathedral type architecture space, asked me to sing. I sang the first verse of the haunting melody of ‘Amazing Grace.’ The sound was so ‘trop incroyable’ that I invited the rest of our tour group to sing the second verse with me!

It was the most memorable worship leading experience of my life as 1) most people in our tour group knew the second verse of the song and participated, and 2) the sound in that space was so incredible. Mere words cannot describe the beauty of that moment.  I’m sad to say that I do not have a recording of it.

During the pandemic (2020 – 2023), I began to use whatever technology was available to me to prepare worship sets that could be used on Zoom. It was at this time I put together a video clip of the whole process of recording worship sets.

Most of my adult life has included taking voice lessons. I first studied voice when I was an employee at a local university. When I joined the choir at my church, I studied voice with someone in my choir who had a background in vocal music performance. When she moved away, I began studying with the former accompanist of the Seattle Opera. I studied with her for more than 5 years until she also moved away. At the present time, I study with Erich Parse, a former Metropolitan Opera baritone. I have studied with him throughout the entire pandemic either on Zoom or in person.

In February and early March of 2024, I had the privilege to sing in Carnegie Hall for the 3rd time. I was singing in the chorus for the 30th Anniversary Performance of Saviour, a modern oratorio. The first time I sang in Carnegie Hall was for the 25th Anniversary performance of Saviour.

Between those two Saviour Concerts I was able to sing in Carnegie Hall, “And All Shall Be Well,” written and directed by Giselle Wyers along with the University of Washington Chorale and several other Chorales in the Greater Seattle Area. We were still under Covid – 19 restrictions in May 2022, so even though it was a challenge, it was so rewarding to perform this brand-new work on such an important stage. And to sing under the direction of the composer was quite wonderful, as well.

Finally, I had the privilege to go back to my alma mater to sing a concert with Alumni who sang in any one of the musical groups on my campus over the years. Many of those who came back to sing had been music majors in college and were now professional musicians. So, the quality of singer was very high. The music ranged from classical to jazz, from sacred to a spiritual. With five rehearsals in three days, it was so fun to sing together. The Concert on Saturday afternoon was free and open to the public.

Accompaniment track played by Elizabeth Moore

Bellevue College

Carnegie Hall

May 2022 - “And All Shall Be Well”

September 2018 - “Saviour”

March 2024 - “Saviour”

Vashon Island Chorale

It was my privilege to sing Mozart’s Requiem with the Vashon Island Chorale on September 11, 2022. The Police and Fire officers who serve the residents of Vashon Island were honored on that day.

Westminster Chapel
Great Works

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.”

- By Victor Hugo, French writer, and politician

“The true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message, and we, the musicians, are messengers.”

- Roy Ayers, American Composer

 “I’ve always said music should make you laugh, make you cry, or make you think.”

- By Kenny Rogers