
Thank you to the people listed below who contributed to, and/or encouraged this project. Thanks to each of you reading this website for continuing to make what only you can make, your art!

Music/Tech Colleagues:

Instrumentalists: Aki Fujino, Ann Rendle, Bev Bothel, Cherry L. Yip, Donna Bender, BC Music Student group on Facebook called the Cobblers class of 2014, Jennifer Streeter, John Bangs, John Wells, Keely Rendle, Laurey Berteig, Lowell Rottrup, Moe Weisner, Nathan Nanfelt, Pam Bell, Rebecca Chung Filice, Rob Parks, Sue French, Soung Lim, Steve Cabales

         Vocal instructors: Elizabeth Moore, Erich Parse

         Bellevue College Faculty: Dr. Brian Cobb, Tom Amli

Fuller Faculty: Dr. Eric Jacobsen, Daryl Jump TA, Dr. John Goldengay

         Directors/Leaders:  Arlene Finley, Dr. Gary Cannon, Elliot Lee, Esther Murrweiss, Dr. Giselle Wyers, Jo Ann Bardeen, Laurie de Leonne,
Mark Ramquist, Dr. Mary Hopper

Contributing composers/arrangers/groups: Aki Fujino, Cobblers of 2014, Debbie Leeding (reader),, Jennifer Streeter, Laurey Berteig, Matt Turner, Sabine Cabales, the Women of “The Gathering” at
church, and many other friends from Westminster Chapel

         Web designer and builder:  Scott Bothel, with

         Recording, editing, and technical design: Bev Reil, Brendan Erazo, Bryan Reil, Dave Bell, Keith Henry, Larry Dragland, Patrick Li

Consulted with: Al Erisman, Alden Hackmann, Craig and Tomie Turi, Dick Osgood, Jr., Westminster Chapel Media department

          Choral musicians:  Cheri McDonald, Dan North, JDRC (Japan Relief Team), University of Washington Chorale,
Vashon Island Chorale (VIC) including Linda Lee accompanist, and John de Groen, tenor soloist

Photographer and Videographer: Bev Osgood Reil, Brittany Van Horne, Seth Halleran, and Bev’s photos taken in
Monet’s Gardens in Giverny, France

Family Artists:

Allen Cabales, Averill Gifford, Bev Osgood Reil, Dick Osgood, Sr., Jack M. Wright, James Corlis, Jaylin Cabales, Jean W. Wright, Jeff Whitlatch, Jessica Cabales, Kelly Corlis, Keren Valin Gifford, Miles Gifford, Pam Bell, Sabine Cabales, Wendy Wasson.