
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.”

- By Ernest Hemingway, author of “A Farewell to Arms”

One of my early composition collaborations was with the Creative Arts Pastor, Laurey Berteig, a skilled composer from my church. He was known for arranging classic hymns to give them a more contemporary sound. I had just received a booklet of handwritten original hymns that my dad wrote in the 1950’s. I pulled out three of these hymns and asked our Pastor to arrange them with a contemporary sound.

I also asked him to arrange it with a vocal part, a cello part, and piano accompaniment. He renamed the three hymns together, Cycle of Hymns. Upon completion, we were able to present it to the congregation for an offertory. I sang the vocal part; my sister, Pam Bell, played the cello part; and Donna Bender played the piano accompaniment.

The power and range of music is broad and spans the generations. Our pastor was able to arrange music from my family legacy; thus, leaving a legacy for those after me. But the power of music does not stop there.

A more serious musical collaboration I had was to spend time with my friend who was at Evergreen Hospice center. We were both part of a small group at our church. My dear friend who was only 50, received word that the breast cancer had returned to her liver. She opted to not take any more treatment.  While she was in hospice care I was able to bring music to her a few days before she passed.

Using these two hymnals my brother and I were able to sing some of my mom’s favorite hymns to her in her final days as well.

Another type of musical collaboration is the development of a liturgy for a worship time at the beginning of a small group gathering. Last year for the group called The Gathering, I collaborated with Debbie Leeding who is a gifted reader/reciter.  She read the liturgy readings and I sang the music many times acapella.

This section of the website showcases the direct results of my collaborating with other groups and people. The names of those collaborations are listed below:

Group Music Collaborations:

  • Adult music ministry small group sets

  • Bellevue College acoustic concerts

  • Church Liturgy Music

  • Humanitarian music work in Japan after the tsunami and earthquake in 2011

  • LWSO Christmas Concert at Bastyr University December 2022

  • Music Recital work

  • NW Mahler festival work

  • Prayer team worship sets

  • Senior Community music presentations

  • The Gathering worship music for women at church

  • Vashon Island Chorale member

  • Wheaton College Alumni Choir

  • Worship Team

Individual People Music Collaborations:

  • Aki Fujino

  • Bev Bothel

  • Jennifer Streeter

  • John Wells

  • Pam Bell

Adult Music Ministry Small Group Sets

Bellevue College
Acoustic Concerts

Church Liturgy Music

Cycle of Hymns

No One Understands Like Jesus

No one understands like Jesus
He’s a Friend beyond compare
Meet Him at the throne of mercy
He is waiting for you there

No one understands like Jesus
When the days are dark and grim
No one is so near, so dear as Jesus
Cast your every care on Him
No one understands like Jesus
When you falter on the way
Though you fail Him, sadly fail Him
He will pardon you today


Tag: Cast Your every care on Him

Dickens Carolers in Japan

LWSO Christmas Concert at Bastyr University

Music Recital Work

Silent Night by Dan Forrest – Cherry Li Recital – Bev Reil Soprano singer

Elizabeth Moore Recital – Bev Reil Soloist – Pie Jesu by Gabriel Faure

Senior Community Music Presentations

Danny Boy Sung at Peninsula Senior Community By Bev Reil plus Amazing Grace

The Gathering

Vashon Island Chorale

“The Oxen” by Jessica French, performed by the Vashon Island Chorale, Bev Osgood Reil female soloist and directed by Gary Cannon


Wheaton Alumni Gathering

Bev singing Pie Jesu by Gabriel Faure at the Wheaton Alumni Gathering at Westminster Chapel

Wheaton Event Details

Armerding Center For Music And The Arts
Concert Hall at Wheaton College
Wheaton, Illinois

Worship Team

Prayer Team Worship Sets

Aki Fujino

Accompaniment track
National Anthems prepared by Aki
for Bev to sing


Easter Video by Aki for the Bam Class

Bev Bothel

Accompaniment tracks

Bev Reil Vocals added

Jennifer Streeter

Accompaniment Tracks

Bev Reil Vocals added plus Pam Bell on Cello

John Wells

Bev performing the Star Spangled Banner with John Wells on trumpet!

Bev singing the Star Spangled Banner on Veterans Day with the Brass Quartet from Renton Technical College accompanying her.

Pam Bell

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

- From Matthew 5:9, one of the Beatitudes in the Bible.

“This capacity for empathy leads to a genuine encounter—we have to progress toward this culture of encounter—in which heart speaks to heart.”

- By Pope Francis.