Transforms and leaves a Legacy
“To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of the Arts.” By Henry David Thoreau, writer, philosopher “Every artist was first an amateur.” By Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Essayist, Philosopher. “Creative work is a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.”
- By Steven Pressfield, American author of historical fiction.
I began writing music only about 17 years ago. But early on I realized I had had songs in my head and lyrics in my mind at a very young age. Come To Me, (click here to listen) was the first song that I wrote when asked to write it; upon command. We were planning the music for the worship portion of a luncheon, and we had a classical piece that we wanted to use in the background, but we didn’t have a contemporary worship song. So, one of the other leaders asked me if I could write one and I gave it a try. Within 20 minutes I had written Come to Me.
Israel’s Song was written to the melody, Londonderry Aire. This was my first time of writing new words to a timeless melody. In those early days of writing music, I experimented with places where I could write, topics about which I could write, and styles of music. The three years of music theory and composition at Bellevue College greatly enhanced my skill at song writing as well. As I gained more knowledge and more experience, I developed more and more freedom to create. Music, both singing and writing have become my creative outlet in recent years.
My mom, Jean W. Wright, was an award-winning amateur photographer. (click here to see her award-winning Photo: Dolphin Vase #1, and Specks on Dolphin Vase #1)
Jean was never interested in digital photography, so she was still using 35mm rolls of film. She couldn’t waste the film by taking multiple pictures, so each individual picture had to have the lighting, settings, and the composition perfect before she would click the shutter. Her photos often turned out to be high-quality photos. She would have described herself as a “purist” regarding her photography. She never entered the world of digital photography, and her photography was her main creative endeavor even into her later years.
That is what this page of my website is about: 1) how making your art transforms your life and the lives of others and 2) how my mom, dad, and stepdad left a legacy of their art.
“Music is well said to be the speech of angels; in fact, nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine. It brings us near to the infinite.”
- By Thomas Carlyle, writer, philosopher